The development of young cricketers of all ages and abilities is one of the key areas at Kempton Cricket Club. With a team of dedicated ECB qualified coaches we aim to provide a safe and happy environment for our colts to develop their skills and enjoy the pleasures of the game. Weekly coaching and practice takes place on Sunday mornings throughout the summer months. If you want more information on Colts Cricket at Kempton contact our Director of Junior Cricket Ben Osborn on 07595 264841 or by email to The 2011 Colts coaching programme is due to start with indoor training and nets starting early in 2011 and our outdoor programme on Sunday mornings from May. Contact Ben Osborn for full details.
As a junior member of Kempton
Cricket Club you are expected to abide by the following
code of conduct: ·
members must play within the rules and respect officials and their
decisions. ·
members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants
regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion. ·
should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform
their coach or team manager if they are going to be late. ·
must wear suitable kit – trainers/spikes, white top and
shorts/tracksuit bottoms for training and White trousers, white shirt and
trainers/spikes for training and match sessions, as agreed with the
coach/team manager. ·
must pay any fees for training or events promptly. ·
members are not allowed to smoke on club premises or whilst representing
the club at competitions. ·
members are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on the
club premises or whilst representing the club. ·
of the opposition or Umpire or Dissent in any form will not be accepted. Any
such event which occurs will firstly be dealt with by the Team Manager,
who has full authority to take whatever action he/she deems fit. This may
include removing the offending player from the game. In
addition, the Team Manager will report such incidences to the Discipline
Committee, who may then take whatever sanctions they deem necessary to
protect the good name of the club. Such action will likely include, but
not necessarily be limited to, suspension for a number of games. Please
also note that the League now has the power to fine offending clubs should
such poor behaviour be reported to them. Any such fine levied on Kempton
will be passed on to the offending player. Code
of Conduct for Parents / Guardians
your child to learn the rules and play within them. ·
unfair play and arguing with officials. ·
your child to recognise good performance, not just results. ·
force your child to take part in sport. ·
a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good
performances of all. ·
punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes. ·
accept officials’ judgements. ·
your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport. ·
correct and proper language at all times. ·
copy of the Codes of Conduct for Members and Guests is posted on our
notice board and web site We
look to your co-operation to protect the reputation of our club. Authority
to travel
parents/carers or guardians are responsible for travel arrangements of
their children to the venue of matches and practice sessions there may be
occasions when it is necessary for alternative transport arrangements to
be made. In
such circumstances we seek your authority to make such arrangements.
Wherever possible the Kempton Cricket Club Child Protection Policy and ECB
Safe Hands Guidelines will be followed. A copy of this policy is available
at Kempton Cricket Club, or on request from a Colts organiser. Please
also note that Kempton Cricket Club can be not be held liable for any
accident that occurs during the journey. Changing
parents/carers or guardians must be aware that there are circumstances
under which players under the age of 16 years may find themselves changing
clothes in the presence of persons over 18 years. The club requests that
if any parent/carer or guardian is not comfortable with this arrangement
then it is the parent/carer or guardian’s responsibility to ensure the
Young players who do not wish to change or shower with adults are
under no obligation
do so and are advised to change and shower at home
Parental/Carer or guardian consent must be given if the young
players are to share
changing facilities with adults
It is the responsibility of the parent/carer or guardian concerned
to ensure that their
child does not enter changing facilities at any time if consent is not
given. Photography
Cricket Club recognises the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all
young people in cricket. As part of this commitment we will not permit
photographs, video images, or other images of young people to be taken or
used without the consent of the parent/carer or guardian and the young
player. The club will follow the guidance issued by the England and Wales
Cricket Board (ECB) on the use of images of young people which is
available on The club
will take steps to ensure that these images are used solely for the
purpose they are intended, which is the promotion and celebration of the
club’s cricketing activities. If you become aware that these images are
being used inappropriately you should inform the club welfare officer,
Steve Crossley, immediately. If
photographs, e.g. team or action shots, are submitted to the press or
published on the club website, individuals will not be identified. In
circumstances where there is a need to identify an individual player in
the press, parental permission will be sought beforehand. The
club understands that there are circumstances under which a parent would
not wish their child to be photographed. Whilst the club will do all it
can to ensure the safety of children during games, it is the
responsibility of the parent / guardian concerned to ensure that if
necessary their child is not photographed or videoed. The club is unable
to supervise individual children during cricket activities or
competitions. Grievance
Cricket Club strives to provide a safe and happy environment for all
players / supporters / parents / guardians. In the unlikely event of a
dispute, the following procedure must be followed: Playing
Playing Grievance must be reported to the Team Manager . In the event that
the grievance cannot be resolved, the Team Manager must report the matter
to the Colts Organiser within 3 days. If the grievance still cannot be
resolved, the matter will be reported to the Club Chairman who will call a
Grievance Committee together to resolve the matter. The Grievance
Committee will consist of at least 2 trustees of the club along with at
least 3 other committee members. The decision of the grievance committee
must be given to the person raising the grievance within 7 days. Non
Playing grievance
Non Playing Grievance must be reported to a Committee member. In the event
that the grievance cannot be resolved, the committee member must report
the matter to the Club Chairman who will call a grievance committee
together to resolve the matter. The grievance committee will consist of at
least 2 trustees of the club along with at least 3 other committee
members. The decision of the grievance committee must be given to the
person making the grievance within 7 days. Section 8 - Automatic Non- Voting Membership StatusJunior
membership of the club also provides that the parent(s) / carer(s) /
guardian(s) of the child are given non-voting membership of the club as
part of that junior membership. This
entitles the parent(s) / carer(s) / guardian (s) no additional privileges
that would otherwise be gained by paying the appropriate adult membership
fee(s). Any use of facilities (for example social / training / playing)
may incur such charges as applicable to relevant adult membership. Section 9 – Data ProtectionThe
Club will use the information provided on this Membership Form (together
with other information it obtains about the player) to administer his/her
cricketing activity at the Club and in any activities in which he/she
participates through the Club and to care for and supervise activities in
which he/she is involved. In
some cases this may require the Club to disclose the information to County
Boards, Leagues and to the England and Wales Cricket Board. In the event
of a medical issue or child protection issue arising, the Club may
disclose certain information to doctors or other medical specialists
and/or to police, children’s social care, the Courts and/or probation
officers and, potentially to legal and other advisers involved in an
investigation. As
the person completing this form, you must ensure that each person whose
information you include in this form knows what will happen to their
information and how it may be disclosed. By
returning this completed Membership Form, I agree to my child in my care
taking part in the activities of Kempton Cricket Club. I
understand that I will be kept informed of activities at Kempton Cricket
Club – for example times and transport details etc… I
understand in the event of injury or illness all reasonable steps will be
taken to contact me / the alternative contact and to deal with that
injury/illness appropriately.